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    Organiskas izcelsmes C vitamīna un cinka kombinācija nodrošina augšējo elpošanas ceļu gļotādu imūno aizsardzību. Ieteicams lietot saaukstēšanās laikā.

    Bio-C-Zinc ir sūkājamās tabletes ar apelsīnu garšu, kas satur dabīgo C vitamīnu un cinku. Šī kombinācija nodrošina augšējo elpošanas ceļu gļotādu imūno aizsardzību. Lai iegūtu labāku efektu, ieteicams uzsākt Bio-C-Zinc lietošanu tūlīt pēc pirmo saaukstēšanās simptomu parādīšanās.

    Sastāvs 1 tabletē: Deva:   IDD* %
    Acerolas ķiršu ekstrakts 66 mg    
    no kura C vitamīns 15 mg   18,8%
    Cinks 2,5 mg   25%

    * ieteicamā diennakts deva

    Product Facts

    Devas un lietošana:
    Pieaugušajiem: 4 sūkājamas tabletes dienā.
    Bērniem no 4 gadu vecuma: 1-2 sūkājamas tabletes dienā.
    Nav ieteicams bērniem līdz 4 gadiem.
    Uzglabāt temperatūrā ne augstākā par 30 grādiem, bērniem nepieejamās vietās.

    Nepārsniegt ieteicamo diennakts devu.

    Neizmantot uztura bagātinātāju kā pilnvērtīga un sabalansēta uztura aizvietotāju.


    Vitamīns: C vitamīns (acerolas ķiršu pulverveida ekstrakts)
    Minerālviela: cinka glukonāts
    Saldinātājs: laktīts
    Garšas pastiprinātājs: glicīns
    Aromatizētājs: apelsīnu
    Pretsalipes viela: magnija stearāts
    Priedēklis Bio- neapzīmē organisko lauksaimniecību, bet produkta bio-pieejamību.


    Influ-Zinc are tasty lozenges with organically bound, bio-available zinc and natural vitamin C in the form of Acerola cherry extract. The lozenges ensure fast delivery of the active ingredients to the mucous membranes in the oral cavity and throat. High, acute intake of Influ-Zinc may be useful for brief periods of 7-10 days, depending on the circumstances.

    What is zinc?

    Zinc is an essential mineral and a trace element that is primarily found in cells and, to a lesser extent, in cellular fluid throughout the body. For instance, our white and red blood cells contain a substantial amount of zinc. Together with copper, zinc is an important constituent of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD).

    Zinc has many different functions in the human body and supports about 200 different enzymes, including enzymes that are necessary for metabolizing nutrients and enzymes that are important for translation and expression of genetic coding. These are some of the most important functions of zinc:

    •  Contributes to a healthy and well-functioning immune defense
    •  Part of normal DNA-synthesis and cell division
    •  Contributes to protecting DNA, proteins, and lipids against oxidative damage
    •  Contributes to normal vitamin A metabolism
    •  Contributes to a normal acid-base balance

    Zinc is non-toxic in limited quantities. A high intake of zinc for extended periods (10-30 times RDA) may cause copper deficiency.

    Zinc deficiency as well as excessive zinc intake can cause imbalances in the body’s immune function.

    Simultaneous intake of zinc and iron may have a negative influence on the body’s zinc absorption. A high calcium intake may also reduce the body’s uptake of zinc.

    What is vitamin C?

    Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin which was given the name ascorbic acid when it was discovered. The term refers to the fact that it is an acid that prevents scurvy. Vitamin C also has other important functions such as:

    •  Supporting a healthy, well-functioning immune defense
    •  Protecting the body’s cells against oxidative damage
    •  Contributing to reducing fatigue and exhaustion
    •  Supporting a normal energy metabolism
    •  Supporting a healthy, well-functioning nervous system
    •  Helping to repair damaged vitamin E in the body

    What is Acerola?

    Acerola is a large (2-3 cm) cherry-like, pit-containing fruit that is cultivated in South America and the Caribbean. There are several different Acerola varieties. The wild fruit is rather sour, but Influ-Zinc contains a refined version. Acerola’s vitamin C content is extremely high and provides about 1,500-3,000 mg of vitamin per. 100 g. In comparison, an orange provides around 40-50 mg of vitamin C per 100 gram.

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